Thursday, May 1, 2014

An uncertain future for the Museum?

The Museum's halls have been fairly quiet lately, I admit. Don't worry; I'm not closing the place down yet. It's simply that 1) life has been demanding a lot more of me than usual, and 2) I'm running out of Items to post! I'll keep doing the Revisited series when I can, but I need to look for more things. I'm about to go on a vacation to Florida in a few weeks, so I'll look into hitting a couple of flea markets and resale shops while I'm there. Making no promises, but they should yield some interesting results. I do have "Dracula 2000," "Godzilla 2000," "Pokemon The Movie 2000," and the series "Millennium" at the back of my head, but most of those should be for Halloween. Ooh, here's an idea: Saturday, June 7th, is the 30th Anniversary of Ghostbusters. It might be a good idea for me to review the 1999 "15th Anniversary" DVD, and its first DVD release. As far as I know, it was one of the first titles to really show off what the format could do, because it's packed to the gills with documentaries, concept art, storyboards, animated menus, and scads of other features. The standout is the "Video Commentary," during which writer Harold Ramis mentions the New Millennium. I'm not saying a word about the context, but let's just say that it casts the movie in a whole new light.

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