Sunday, September 22, 2013

Time for a personal update

Hello, faithful readers! I think I should forgo an Item this week because I just can't think of anything, and I'm a little bit stuck as to October.

This coming Wednesday--September 25th--will mark one month since I had to go in for surgery on a tailbone cyst (the proper name for this is "pilonideal cyst"). I had to miss about three weeks of work while it healed, but now I'm back on the job. During those three weeks I was also housebound, which meant I couldn't go out and do things...this put a crimp in some of my plans for the Museum.

I've been allowed to go back to work, and I have a few long and hard weeks ahead of me, as well as the ChicagoTARDIS 2013 Convention in November to plan for. That shouldn't be too much to do, but the long hours at work will be the kicker. With all of that and other unforeseen things that'll inevitably come up, I'm looking at biweekly posts. It'll probably be two Items every two weeks.

Now, October: Halloween is coming up pretty soon. I had meant to do a feature on Chris Carter's TV series Millennium, but it's kind of hard-to-find...Amazon has it, but each set is $35 used, and with my hospital bills (thank God I got that insurance in April!) and trying to save up for the convention, I am not shelling out that kind of money. At least one library has it (I thought it would be Oak Lawn's), but it seems to be pretty far away, and it would take weeks to get here.

It might be a good idea to save Millennium for next year and focus on The Blair Witch Project this year. While it has no connection to the New Millennium on the surface, there are a few things about it that make it noteworthy, which I'll get into when that post comes up.

I'll also do one on the first Harry Potter book, because, like Blair Witch, it brought with it a renewal of fantasy as a genre. (The accompanying movie series is also noteworthy, but I'll discuss that later).

Oak Lawn Library had a few books about prophecy and the New Millennium, which I'll review as the month progresses. There's a lot of Nostradamus-themed stuff to cover...

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