Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Coming soon from The Millennium Museum...

Well, 2014's days are numbered, even more so than they were when I last posted. The days are getting colder, and it's started snowing. I don't hear any Christmas songs on the radio just yet (our preferred station at work is 104.3), which is a good sign. (Hey, I love the season, but there's only so much Christmas music one can stand before going completely insane.)

I suppose now is as good a time as any to tell you about what's going to happen in the foreseeable future.

First, I can say for sure that we're going to take our first official Side Trip with Ben Bova's novel, Millennium, a science-fiction thriller set in 1999 but written in 1976. I've been reading it for a while, but I just need to get my thoughts on it together. That's probably a good one for New Year's Eve, a holiday which I've always associated with science fiction.

Also, we'll be celebrating Christmas with a continuation of last year's Joy of Collecting article on Millennium-themed ornaments. I may include another part of the magazine, an article on collector's-edition Nativity sets.

I'm also reading another book called Millennium, unrelated to the Bova novel. This one bears the subtitle A History of the Last Thousand Years, and it's written by historian Felipe Fernandez-Armesto. ("Light reading," he said with a slight leer.) I'm not even going to begin reporting on that one until I've finished it, and that may take a while.

I also have a video from National Geographic about modern explorers such as Robert Ballard, and it's explicitly marketed as a Millennium-themed video.

Next weekend I'm heading to the Chicago TARDIS convention, and I'll see if I can pick up anything for the blog. I think there's a novel called Millennial Rites, and another called Millennium Shock.

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