Just a quick update, in case anyone thinks I've disappeared or something.
Yes, I am still here, and the Museum is still up and running. I've had a few things going on with my job and my personal life, but I have found some time to write.
There are a couple of potential Museum entries in my backlog of drafts, one of which is the "Super Mario 64/Pac-Man World/Sonic Adventure" one about the shift toward 3D-based console gaming, but at the moment it's running to a colossal length.
Millennium is still a thing. "Weeds" just needs the screencaps and a little bit more on the commentary.
Another one I've got in mind is an entry on Pokemon and how it started the anime craze of the early millennium. I haven't quite figured out how that one's going to work, though. I think I'd need to get copies of The First Movie and Pokemon 2000 as a starting point (the latter is only because it has "2000" in the title).
As I've said on the Facebook page, the E.T. 20th Anniversary is also on the shortlist of things I'd like to cover. This one will be a Side Trip, because I still think that it speaks about the New Millennium.
That's all for now! I'll let you know about further updates.