Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Welcome back and Happy New Year!!

 Welcome back, one and all, to The Millennium Museum! It has been far too long...but what better occasion to reopen our doors than the 25th Anniversary of the change from 1999 to 2000? 

And, this is our 12th Anniversary. I'm afraid it's not yet time to break out the cake and champagne and party favors, though, because there's work to be done.

I mean, just LOOK at this place! Tarps everywhere, sawdust on the floor, dust and cobwebs on the cabinets, the interactive screens either badly glitching or not working at all...This simply will not do. 

Friday, November 22, 2024

The Countdown to the Millennium Clock

As we approach the end of 2024, the beginning of 2025, and the 25th anniversary of the turn from 1999 to 2000, I thought it might be appropriate to post this Celebration Clock.

Produced by a company called Harry Boxer, Inc., a company which strangely yields no results on a Google search, this is a fairly run-of-the-mill alarm clock with an analog clock and digital timer. 

This thing is laughably cheap. It includes a sheet of stickers--yes, stickers--for Halloween, Christmas, retirement, vacations, etc. that can cover over the "Millennium Year 2000" lettering. At least the alarm clock's face has some images to liven it up. A quick eBay search turns up similar countdown clocks with tons more personality than this. At least it was only $2 at Goodwill.

Monday, July 22, 2024

It is time.

 I think the time has come to reopen the Museum's doors in time for the New Millennium's 25th anniversary.

There will likely be less frequent posts, but more in-depth. 

The doors were never completely closed...I always left them ajar. 

Now, to figure out a Geocities-type layout. Au travail!

Sunday, January 9, 2022


 I probably ought to renovate this place and bring it more into line with my original vision--to emulate an old Netscape or Geocities site.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Happy (almost) New Year!

 I was going to try to keep this quiet until tomorrow, but I just can't help myself!

Tomorrow, December 30th, I will inaugurate the beginning of the Ten Years Celebration and re-dedicate the Museum with A REVAMPED LOGO

Out with the smudgy, hand-drawn icon of old, and in with a crisp new digitally-created one!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Happy Ninth Anniversary!

 A lot has happened--and I mean A LOT--within nine years. I started this blog at the end of 2012, at one of the lowest points of my life. No job to speak of, ever-dwindling funds, a few large outstanding bills, an extremely wild hairdo, and..let's just say I was kind of hoping for the Mayan calendar prophecy to come true. So I did what I'd always done for the better part of six years: got writing. And this little corner of the Web became a job that I could hopefully make some money off of. 

Here we are, nearly a full decade on. My job has gotten much more hectic than it was even five years ago, which sort of deadens the motivation to write. And, as it happens, I have lost almost all of my nice banners...the logo needs a freshening-up anyway. 

Oh, AND, as if things couldn't possibly make me feel older, come to find out that The Lord of the Rings movies turn twenty this Christmas season. Come on, man, that's just cruel. It feels like a century ago, a different world.